Citrix Xen Center Tutorials

Exporting and Importing Virtual Machines in Xen Center

Exporting A Virtual Machine :
xe vm-export -h hostname -u username -pw password vm=vmname filename=/destination.xva
Importing A Virtual Machine :

Importing a virtual machine is a little bit trickier than exporting because you have to specify which storage to use in order to import a virtual machine. In ordder to see the storages available, type the command below:

xe sr-list | more

Get the Sr-UUID from the output of above command for the storage where you want to put the virtual machine and then issue the following command to import.
xe vm-import -h -u root -pw password filename=/source.xva sr-uuid=storage_uuid
Some Useful Commands :

Show storage type , name and uuid :

xe sr-list

Show if attached :

xe pbd-list

Shutdown server

xe vm-shutdown vm=servername

Attach a Local Storage  to the xen server

Find the disk you want to attach

fdisk -l

Create the Physical Volume :

pvcreate /dev/sdb

( where /dev/sdb is the new volume)

Find the ID of the Disk you want to attach :

ll /dev/disk/by-id/

This will return the id of the Disk

Create the Storage :
xe sr-create type=lvm content-type=user device-config:device=/dev/disk/by-id/disk_id_returned_by_above_command name-label="Label for storage"
This will create the new storage with the label mentioned above.

Attach Network Storage on Xen Center:
xe sr-create content-type=user type=nfs name-label=NFS shared=true device-config:server=(FQDN or IP) device-config:serverpath=/NFS

Auto Start VM with Xen Center

add to your /etc/rc.local

sleep 20
xe vm-start uuid=

sleep 20
xe vm-start uuid=

sleep 20
xe vm-start uuid=

Another Method :

  1. Find the UID of the vm :
xe vm-list<br></br>
uuid ( RO) : [uuid-vm]<br></br>
name-label ( RW): [vm-name]<br></br>
power-state ( RO): [vm-power]```

2.  Set to auto start:

`xe vm-param-set uuid=[uuid-vm] other-config:auto_poweron=true``<br></br>`