Useful Find Commands
Find Files by name:
find /path -name filename
find /tmp /home . $HOME -name
Find Files Larger than 1Gb
find /path -type f -size +1048576
Find with wildcard:
find / -name file\*name
Find and process
find / -type f -mtime -3 | xargs tar -rf archieve.tar
[should not use -c option here, r option appends files to an archive. Since there are many files found ]
find / -name temp | xargs /bin/rm -f<br></br>
find / -name temp -exec /bin/rm -f '{}' \;```
**Find by modified time:**
`find / -mmin -30` [find files modified 30 min ago ]
**Find by Permission:**
`find / -perm -o=w `
** Find hidden files:**
`find / -xdev ! -type d -name \.\* | sort `
**Find Empty Files:**
`find / -empty`
**Find and Move files to a folder**
`find / <search condition> -exec mv '{}' destination \;<br></br>`