Using TcpDump to monitor network activity
Note : Default packet size sniffed is 96 bytes, you can override that with -s , you can use –s 0 for complete size capture.
Example usage :
tcpdump -w capture.pcap -i eth0 tcp port 22
To capture or view for multiple ports :
tcpdump -w capture.pcap -i eth0 tcp port 22 or udp ( 53 or 953)
tcpdump tcp portrange 22-80
[Note: \ is an escape character and OR means also ]
To capture based on ip and port :
tcpdump -w capture.pcap dst <ip_addr> and tcp port 22
Capture on port ignoring some host:
tcpdump -w capture.pcap not "(port 22 and host and host < hostname2>)"
To Capture based on destination host:
tcpdump dst host
A real world example:
tcpdump -i tun0 -nq \ not "(port 22 and host myhost)" \ and not "(port 53 or 80 or 110 or 119 or 443)" \ and dst host <ip_addr>
Another eg.:
tcpdump -i eth0 -nq \ and not port '(20 or 21 or 25 or 53 or 80 or 110 or 119 or 123 or 443)' \ and not icmp \ and src host <ip_addr>
similarly ,
tcpdump ether src host
To Read a pcap file using tcpdump :
tcpdump -nnr capture.pcap
[ nn means do not resolve dns , r means read ]
tcpdump -ttttnnr capture.pcap
[ tttt is like increasing verbose, it increases the readability of timestamps ]